
MDP Youth Wing Expresses Concern over Increased Gang Violence in Schools
During the first week of 2018 academic year, within the span of 48 hours, there have been two separate assaults committed against students. One of […]
Maldivian Democratic Party Welcomes Remarks by the Japanese Foreign Minister
7 January 2018, Male’: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) extends its warmest wishes to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Hon. Tarō Kōno. The […]
Joint Opposition Parties Condemn Scurrilous Attack on Indian PM by pro-Yameen Newspaper
20 December 2017, Male’: The Maldives’ Joint Opposition — which includes the Maldivian Democratic Party, the Jumhoory Party, the Adhaalath Party, and a faction of […]
Joint Parties Express Concern over the Subversion of Parliamentary Process in Passing the Free Trade Agreement with China; Calls on President Yameen to Suspend Implementation
The Joint Opposition expresses deep concern over the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Maldives, recently ratified […]
The MDP is Concerned over Free Trade Agreement with China
29 November, Male: The Maldivian Democratic Party is deeply concerned over sudden and rushed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China, without any disclosure of details […]
MDP Welcomes Recent Saudi Actions to Embrace Greater Modernity and to Fight Radicalism
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) welcomes the recently initiated progressive agenda of modernization and anti-radicalisation announced by the Saudi rulers, and their attempts to redefine […]
Joint Opposition Vows to Remain United and Oust President Yameen in 2018 Presidential Elections
2 November 2017, Male’: The Joint Opposition — comprising four political parties in the Maldives — has renewed its commitment to remain united for the […]
Joint Opposition Statement: Elections Commission Strips 3 More MPs of their Seats; Joint Opposition Calls on EC to Follow Legal Mandate or Face Prosecution
31 October, Male’: The Elections Commission of the Maldives has removed three more MPs of their seats, in another egregiously partisan move designed to please […]
2018 Presidential Elections Won’t be Free and Fair if Party Candidates are Banned – MDP
29 October, Male’: The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has warned that presidential elections, Constitutionally-mandated to be held next year, cannot be considered free, fair […]
MDP Mourns the Death of Political Detainee Abdulla Rasheed; Calls for an Immediate International Investigation into Custodial Deaths
10 October, Male: The Maldivian Democratic Party mourns the death of Abdulla Rasheed, 51. Abdulla Rasheed died while under state custody as he was serving […]
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