
MDP calls to enforce the ICJ ruling against Israel
The Maldivian Democratic Party calls on the international community to enforce the ICJ ruling to halt Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, and allow humanitarian aid […]
Statement condemning PPM/PNC threatening government jobs to influence Parliament elections
The ongoing Parliamentary election campaign has seen the ruling PPM/PNC coalition openly threaten that government jobs are conditional on support for their candidates. Candidates endorsed […]
Statement from The Maldivian Democratic Party expressing concern over the government’s efforts to disrupt the formation of People’s National Front (PNF)
It is with grave concern we observe the events which unfolded at the assembly tonight, with security forces being sent in to pepper spray peaceful […]
An Open Letter by MDP President
click the link to view the letter
President Yameen linked to illegal oil trade?
press this link to read the document
Joint Opposition Submits Candidacy Papers for Presidential Elections
26 July 2018, MALE: The Joint Opposition coalition today submitted to the Elections Commission candidacy papers of its candidates for the upcoming presidential election in […]
URGENT NEWS UPDATE: Attorney General orders police and military not to follow Supreme Court rulings; moves to arrest judges
4 February, MALE’: Attorney General announced he has ordered the police and the military not to follow rulings issued by the Supreme Court. In a […]
Joint Coalition Statement  Opposition Parties Take Control of Maldives Parliament: 45 MPs Sign Letter Calling for Speaker’s Impeachment
3 July 2017, MALE: 45 Members of Parliament in the Maldives today submitted a no confidence motion against the Speaker of Parliament, Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed, demonstrating that […]
MDP Wins Popular Vote and Majority Seats in the Local Council Elections
7 May 2017, Male: The Maldivian Democratic Party has won all the major constituencies, including all three city Councils in a landslide victory in the […]
MDP Calls For Full International Participation in Investigation of the Murder of Prominent Blogger Yameen Rasheed
April 23, Male’: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) learns with deep sadness this morning of the brutal and appalling murder of the pro-democracy, liberal blogger […]
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