
Joint Opposition Statement: Demand the Immediate Release of President Maumoon, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, Justice of the Supreme Court Ali Hameed and Call for the Immediate Lifting of State of Emergency
6 February, Male’: In the early hours of Tuesday morning, around 2am, the Special Force of the Maldives Police Service, in riot gear, entered the […]
Opposition Parliamentarians Sign Resolution Calling on International Community to Help Protect Democracy in the Maldives
5 February 2018, MALE: Opposition members of parliament signed a resolution on Sunday, calling on the international community to impress upon the Government of Maldives […]
Resolution by Members of Parliament of the Joint Opposition of the Maldives
Click the link to view the Resolution by Members of Parliament of the Joint Opposition of the Maldives
Joint Opposition Statement: Maldives Regime Arrests Two Members of Parliament As Illegal Crackdown Intensifies
4 February 2018, MALE: Two members of Parliament were arrested today at 12pm by the police, as President Yameen expands up his illegal take-over of […]
Joint Opposition Expresses Concern over Delays in Releasing Political Prisoners

2 February, Male’: The Joint Opposition of the Maldives expresses deep concern over President Yameen’s refusal to abide by the Supreme Court Order to release […]
Joint Party Statement: Maldives Supreme Court Frees Opposition Leaders; Reinstates Banned MPs; Frees Other Political Prisoners
1 February 2018, MALE: In a landmark ruling, the Maldives Supreme Court this evening ordered the immediate release from detention of former President Mohamed Nasheed, […]
Joint Opposition Statement: Opposition Petitions Supreme Court to Remove President Yameen from Office
28 January, 2018, Male’: The Joint Opposition today petitioned the Maldives Supreme Court to temporarily remove President Abdulla Yameen from the Office of the Presidency. […]
MDP Youth Wing Expresses Concern over Increased Gang Violence in Schools
During the first week of 2018 academic year, within the span of 48 hours, there have been two separate assaults committed against students. One of […]
Maldivian Democratic Party Welcomes Remarks by the Japanese Foreign Minister
7 January 2018, Male’: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) extends its warmest wishes to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Hon. Tarō Kōno. The […]
Joint Opposition Parties Condemn Scurrilous Attack on Indian PM by pro-Yameen Newspaper
20 December 2017, Male’: The Maldives’ Joint Opposition — which includes the Maldivian Democratic Party, the Jumhoory Party, the Adhaalath Party, and a faction of […]
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