MDP Welcomes Recent Saudi Actions to Embrace Greater Modernity and to Fight Radicalism

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) welcomes the recently initiated progressive agenda of modernization and anti-radicalisation announced by the Saudi rulers, and their attempts to redefine Saudi Arabia as a country committed to moderate Islamic values. The MDP especially welcomes news of Saudi women now being allowed to drive, and hope this is symbolic of measures to ensure wider equality and freedoms for women in Saudi Arabia. The MDP has always been a staunch advocate for the fundamental rights of women, and believe there should be no barriers for women enjoying full and equal rights.

The MDP is also encouraged by the Kingdom’s steps towards economic diversification. This vision is in line with the economic policies of this party, and we hope this will bring greater economic prosperity for all the peoples of Saudi Arabia. We feel these progressive measures will be consistent with the leadership role Saudi Arabia aspires to play in the Islamic community and the modern world.

Saudi Arabia will need to defend its borders, and a progressive and moderate Saudi Arabia, committed to this agenda is welcome. In this context we condemn the recent missile strikes by rebel militia in Yemen to target Riyadh.

Further, while welcoming the recent anti-corruption drive initiated by Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, MDP requests the Saudi authorities to look into allegations that funds allocated by Saudi Arabia for the development of the Maldives has been embezzled resulting in funds not reaching its rightful place for the economic benefit of Maldives.