
President Yameen Allows Maldives as a Platform to Criticise India
26 July 2017, Male’: The Maldivian Democratic Party strongly condemns President Yameen’s deafening silence while Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif criticised India during a joint […]
President Yameen Orders Military to Lock Down Parliament
24 July 2017, Male’: President Abdulla Yameen ordered the military to lock down parliament and prevent lawmakers from entering the parliamentary compound this morning, in […]
Joint Statement:  Opposition Parties Condemn Unlawful Arrest of MP Faris Maumoon
18 July 2017, Male: The joint opposition parties condemn in the strongest possible terms the illegal arrest of lawmaker Faris Maumoon this afternoon, less than a […]
Joint Statement: President Yameen Steps Up Intimidation of Opposition Leaders
18 July 2017, Male’: President Yameen has instigated a renewed campaign of intimidation and coercion of opposition leaders and lawmakers, days before a second impeachment […]
Joint Opposition Statement: Supreme Court Ruling Saying MPs will Forfeit Seat for Leaving Party Unconstitutional; No Confidence Vote Must be Held on 24th July
14 July 2017, Male: Opposition Parliamentarians have strongly condemned as flagrantly unconstitutional a Supreme Court ruling that strips dissenting MPs of their parliamentary seats. The […]
Joint Coalition Statement  Opposition Parties Take Control of Maldives Parliament: 45 MPs Sign Letter Calling for Speaker’s Impeachment
3 July 2017, MALE: 45 Members of Parliament in the Maldives today submitted a no confidence motion against the Speaker of Parliament, Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed, demonstrating that […]
MDP Strongly Condemns Arrest of Senior Opposition Figure Adam Azim, Calls for His Immediate Release
8 June 2017, Male’: Just one day after the United Nations Human Rights Council severely criticised the Maldives’ human rights record, President Yameen has had […]
MDP Condemns President Yameen’s Decision to Break Diplomatic Relations with Qatar
June 5, 2017. Male’: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) strongly condemns President Yameen’s decision to sever diplomatic relations with Qatar, a move that will damage […]
MDP Condemns Acts of Terror Aimed at Innocent People
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) condemns in the strongest terms the appalling acts of terrorism carried out in Manchester, Kabul and London recently, which left […]
MDP Wins Popular Vote and Majority Seats in the Local Council Elections
7 May 2017, Male: The Maldivian Democratic Party has won all the major constituencies, including all three city Councils in a landslide victory in the […]
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