The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns the Election Commission’s egregious removal of MDP Parliamentary Group leader MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and MP Eva Abdulla from the Party’s membership list
The Election Commission has today removed MDP MPs, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Eva Abdulla from the Party’s membership list. MP Ibu Solih is a founding […]
The MDP Condemns in the Strongest Terms the Yameen Government’s Decision to Leave the Commonwealth; Calls Upon the International Community to Remain Steadfast with the People of the Maldives
The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns in the strongest terms the Government of Maldives’ decision to leave the Council of Commonwealth. The decision was taken unilaterally […]
އެމެރިކާގެ ގްލޯބަލް ގްރީން ގެ ފަރާތުން ދޭ “ގްލޯބަލް ގްރީން” އިނާމު، މިއަހަރު ލިބިވަޑައިގަންނަވާ ފަރާތެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދު ހިމެނިވަޑައިގެންފި
ރަޝިޔާގެ މަޝްހޫރު ކުރީގެ ރައީސް މިކައިލް ގޯރބަޗޯފް އެފިލިއޭޓްވެވަޑައިގަންނަވާ އެމެރިކާގެ ގްލޯބަލް ގްރީން ގެ ފަރާތުން ދޭ “ގްލޯބަލް ގްރީން” އިނާމު، މިއަހަރު ލިބިވަޑައިގަންނަވާ ފަރާތެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންގެ ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާރޓީ (އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ) ގެ […]
ސަރުކާރުން ކުއްލިގޮތަކަށް ކާޑުގެ ބާވަތްތަކުގެ އަގު ސަތޭކަ ޕަސެންޓުން ބޮޑުކޮށްފައިވާތީއާއި ކަރަންޓުގެ އަގު ބޮޑުކޮށްފައިވާތީ އިންތިހާއަށް އެކަން ކުށްވެރިކުރުން
ސަރުކާރުން ކުއްލިގޮތަކަށް ކާޑުގެ ބާވަތްތައްކަމަށްވާ ހަނޑޫ، ހަކުރު އަދި ފުށުގެ އަގުން ސަތޭކަ ޕަރސެންޓް ރެއިން ފެށިގެން ބޮޑުކޮށްފައިވާތީއާއި އަދި ހަމަ މިދަނޑިވަޅުގައި ކަރަންޓުގެ އަގު ބޮޑުކޮށްފައިވާތީ ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންގެ ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާރޓީ (އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ) އިން […]
MDP Lends Support to India Following Terrorist Attack
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is deeply saddened by the loss of Indian Serviceman following the terrorist attacks against the Indian Army last week. The […]
The Maldivian Democratic Party welcomes the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group’s decision to place the Maldives on its formal agenda; call upon the Government to immediately sit for talks
The Maldivian Democratic Party welcomes the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG)’s decision to place the Maldives on its formal agenda. The MDP also calls upon […]
ހައުސިންގ ޔުނިޓުތަކާ ގުޅޭ އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީގެ ރިޕޯޓު
28 އޯގަސްޓް 2016 ވަނަ ދުވަހު އޮޓިޑް އޮފީހުން ނެރެފައިވާ “މާލޭގައި 500 ހައުސިންގ ޔުނިޓް ޢިމާރާތްކުުރުމަށް 2010 ވަނަ އަހަރު ޙަވާލުކުރެވުނު މަޝްރޫޢާގުޅޭ ޚާއްޞަ ރިޕޯޓް” ގައި މި މަޝްރޫޢުުގެ މަސައްކަތް ޙަވާލުކުރެވުނު […]
The MDP is Deeply Concerned by the new Bill Criminalising Defamation, the Restrictions on Free Speech; Condemns this Hefty Blow to Maldives’ Democracy
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), is deeply concerned about the new bill passed by the Government- controlled Parliament today. The bill, which will come into […]
Maldives Defamation Bill: The MDP Condemns the Government’s Blatant Subversion of Parliamentary Procedure in Pushing the Draconian Defamation Bill.
The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns the Government Parliamentary Group’s flagrant subversion of Parliamentary procedure, and absolute disregard for public opinion, in pushing the Defamation Bill […]
The MDP Condemns the Unlawful Arrest of its Supporters from Prayers inside the Mosque, and Calls for an Immediate End to the Mounting Repression
The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns the arrest of eight of its members and supporters on 26 July. The arrests were made during a prayer gathering; […]
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