
MDP conveys warmest congratulations to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed and leaders of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) for the historic triumph in the Malaysian elections
10 May 2018, MALE’ The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) conveys warmest congratulations to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Nurul Izzah […]
MDP Urges Members to Notify Engagement with Foreign Governments
The Maldivian Democratic Party has always prioritised safeguarding the security and stability of the Maldives and the Indian Ocean region in addition to interests of […]
Maldivian Democratic Party Announces Date for Presidential Primaries
3 May 2018, Male’: The National Council of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) last night voted to hold party primaries for the 2018 presidential elections […]
MDP Calls on the Government of Maldives to Abide by the UN Human Rights Commission Decision.
Maldivian Democratic Party welcomes the decision by the UN Human Rights Committee demanding the government of Maldives to restore President Mohamed Nasheed’s right to stand […]
MDP Congratulates Sri Lankan PM for Defeating No-Confidence Motion in Democratic Manner
5 April 2018, MALE’: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) congratulates Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe for overwhelmingly defeating a parliamentary no-confidence motion against him, […]
‘Blasphemy’ Charges Against NGO Head “Politically Motivated” – MDP
The Maldivian Democratic Party is deeply concerned over alleged “blasphemy” charges filed by the police against Shahindha Ismail, Executive Director of human rights NGO, Maldivian […]
Joint Opposition Parliamentary Group Statement: President Yameen Steps Up His Unlawful Persecution of Lawmakers
30 March, Male’: President Yameen has pressed new terrorism charges against MP Ahmed Mahloof on the eve of his remand deadline, in a fresh attack […]
Lifting of the State of Emergency Makes No Practical Difference – Maldives Opposition
March 22, 2018 Male’: The Maldives Joint Opposition today said President Yameen’s decision to lift the State of Emergency will not make any practical difference […]
MDP Parliamentary Group Leader and MDP Deputy Parliamentary Group Leader Remanded to Nine Days
20 March 2018, Male’: The Maldives Criminal Court on Monday extended the detention of Joint Opposition Parliamentary Group Leader, MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, and MDP […]
Joint Opposition Statement: Approximately 140 Arrested in Huge Anti-Yameen Protests in Maldives
17 March 2018, Male’: Approximately 140 pro-democracy supporters were arrested Friday evening, in the biggest anti-Yameen protest to rock the Maldives since May Day 2015. […]
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