
MDP PRESS STATEMENT: MDP Reaffirms Commitment to Dialogue and Calls on Dr. Waheed to Set Election Date
Reference: 26/02/2012 2 March 2012 The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) today reiterated its commitment to the India-mediated Roadmap, to the Talks, and to resolving the […]
MDP PRESS STATEMENT: Mass Protests Against Dr. Waheed as He Attempts to Give the Presidential Address
Reference: 25/02/2012 1 March 2012 Mass Protests Against Dr. Waheed as He Attempts to Give the Presidential Address Over ten thousand protestors have taken to […]
MDP PRESS STATEMENT: MDP Calls for 1st March Protests to be Peaceful and for Police to Show Maximum Restraint
Reference: 24/02/2012 29 February 2012 MDP Calls for 1st March Protests to be Peaceful and for Police to Show Maximum Restraint The Maldives Democratic Party […]
MDP PRESS STATEMENT: Chief Advisor Admits Dr. Waheed Regime has no Democratic Mandate and is only a “Transitional Government”
Reference: 23/02/2012 29 February 2012 Chief Advisor Admits Dr. Waheed Regime has no Democratic Mandate and is only a “Transitional Government” Senior Advisor to Dr. […]
VVF PRESS STATEMENT: An Urgent Appeal from a deeply concerned community
An Urgent Appeal from a deeply concerned community The Velidhoo Future Foundation was founded on March 2010 to develop Noonu Velidhoo and for the progression […]
MDP PRESS STATEMENT: MDP Members of Parliament Being “Purged”
Reference: 21/02/2012 28 February 2012 MDP Members of Parliament Being “Purged” The Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) today notified international partners that the regime of Dr. […]
27 February 2012 CONDEMNING ATROCITIES AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF ADDU CITY Maldivian Democratic Party Addu City condemns, in the strongest terms possible, the violent acts […]
PRESS STATEMENT BY T.E.A.M: The Tourism Employees Association of Maldives (TEAM) condemns Beach House Manafaru Resort’s decision to ban a pro-democracy TV channel on their resort
The Tourism Employees Association of Maldives (TEAM) condemns Beach House Manafaru Resort’s decision to ban a pro-democracy TV channel on their resort The Tourism Association […]
PRESS STATEMENT BY T.E.A.M: T.E.A.M. condemns Villa Hotels decision to dismiss employees not attending rallies in support of the coup
T.E.A.M. condemns Villa Hotels decision to dismiss employees not attending rallies in support of the coup The Tourism Association of Maldives (TEAM) has received many […]
PRESS STATEMENT: CMAG Statement Makes Clear that the Crisis Can Only Be Resolved through Early Elections
Reference No: 18/02/2012 22 February 2012 CMAG Statement Makes Clear that the Crisis Can Only Be Resolved through Early Elections The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) […]
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