
Maldivian Democratic Party Expresses Concern Over the Ill- founded and Disparaging Remarks Against Indian Diplomats in the Maldives.
The Maldivian Democratic Party is deeply concerned over the recent reports in Dhiyares, expressing disparaging and ill-founded remarks about Indian diplomats in the Maldives. The […]
The MDP Condemns the Violent Crackdown of Protestors in Myanmar
1 March 2021: The Maldivian Democratic Party strongly condemns the military and police crackdown of peaceful protestors in Myanmar, and especially denounces use of violence […]
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) warmly congratulates the newly elected New Zealand MP Dr. Ayesha Verrall.
MDP is thrilled to congratulate Dr. Ayesha Verrall – a dual Maldivian citizen, on her election to the parliament of New Zealand. It is a […]
An Open Letter by MDP President
click the link to view the letter
The Maldivian Democratic Party in Solidarity with Sri Lanka; Visit on the 15th June
1st June, Malé: Former President, the Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed, Members of the MDP Cabinet, Members of the MDP Parliamentary Group, and members of […]
The Maldivian Democratic Party Strongly Condemns the Heinous Terrorist Attack in Sri Lanka Today 21 April, Malé
The MDP condemns in the strongest terms, and notes with deep shock and sadness the loss of over 200 innocent lives in the heinous terrorist […]
މިނިސްޓަރ އޮފް ޑިފެންސް އޮނަރަބްލް އަލްއުސްތާޛާ މާރިޔާ އަޙްމަދު ދީދީ ގެ މައްޗަށް އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ. ގެ ފުރިހަމަ އިތުބާރު އޮތްކަން ހާމަކުރުން
މިނިސްޓަރ އޮފް ޑިފެންސް އޮނަރަބްލް އަލްއުސްތާޛާ މާރިޔާ އަޙްމަދު ދީދީ ގެ މައްޗަށް އިތުބާރު ނެތްކަމުގެ މައްސަލައެއް ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހަށް ހުށަހެޅުމަށް ޕީ.ޕީ.އެމް.ގެ ފަރާތުން ކުރަމުންދާ މަސައްކަތް ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންގެ ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާޓީ(އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ) އިން އެންމެ […]
ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ އޮނަރަބަލް އިބްރާހީމް މުޙައްމަދު ޞާލިޙް ހުށަހެޅުއްވި، ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އުއްމީދު ގެނެސްދެނެވި ރިޔާސީ ބަޔާނަށްޓަކައި ޝުކުރާއި މުބާރިކުބާދީ ދެންނެވުން.
މިއަހަރުގެ ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލިސް ހުޅުވުމުގެ ޖަލްސާއަށް ރާއްޖޭގެ ޢިއްޒަތްތެރި ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއައްޔާ އޮނަރަބަލް އަލްފާޟިލް އިބްރާހީމް މުޙައްމަދު ޞާލިޙް ހުށަހެޅުއްވި، ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އުއްމީދު ގެނެސްދެނެވި ރިޔާސީ ބަޔާނަށްޓަކައި އެމަނިކުފާނަށް ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންގެ ޑިމޮކްރެޓިކް ޕާރޓީ (އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ) އިން […]
MDP Welcomes Supreme Court Judgement Quashing President Nasheed’s Terrorism Conviction
26 November 2018, MALE: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) welcomes today’s Supreme Court judgment, quashing President Mohamed Nasheed’s 2015 conviction for “terrorism” in relation to […]
President Yameen Contests Election At Supreme Court; Joint Opposition Calls on Yameen to Make Way for a Smooth Transition, and Calls on All State Institution to Uphold the Will of the People
The ruling party, the PPM, has contested the results of the 23 September Presidential election at the Supreme Court. The election saw a decisive victory […]
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