Statement from the Maldivian Democratic Party regarding the censorship of anti-government media websites 22nd December 2023

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) strongly condemns the recent censorship of a news media and two vocal anti-government websites in the Maldives.
In a functioning democracy, the open exchange of ideas and opinions is essential for fostering dialogue, promoting transparency, and holding the government accountable. It is imperative that every Maldivian citizen is able to exercise their constitutional right to express their views openly and without censorship.
The blocking of these websites obstructs people’s ability to freely express their concerns and criticisms, thereby stifling democratic discourse. Between 2012 and 2018, the state heavily abused its powers, threatening independent journalists, and crushing dissent indiscriminately. The MDP calls upon the government to immediately lift these online restrictions, and to cease democratic backsliding.
Previous MDP administrations have upheld the right to media freedom and freedom of expression, even when the administration was a target of coordinated disinformation campaigns.
The MDP remains steadfast in its unwavering commitment to defending and preserving democratic principles and will continue to promote a society that respects and upholds the fundamental right to freedom of expression for all citizens in the Maldives.