
Maldivian Democratic Party Welcomes Cross-Party, No Confidence Motion Against Majlis Speaker
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), together with members of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), Jumhooree Party (JP), Maldives Democratic Alliance (MDA), Adhaalath Party (AP) […]
Women’s Day 2017: MDP Pledges Financial Support to All Women Candidates
The Women’s Wing of the Maldivian Democratic Party today announces to provide financial assistance to all MDP women candidates contesting future elections. The Women’s Wing […]
MDP Concerned Over Creeping Colonialism in Maldives
The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) expresses deep concern over Government plans to effectively cede control of an entire atoll to a foreign government. President […]
The Supreme Court’s Removal of Civil Court Judge Mariyam Waheed Brazenly Undermines the Constitution; is Clear Indication of President Yameen’s Intensified Authoritarian Rule
On 16 February, the Supreme Court, in a hitherto unprecedented and one of the most glaring moves by a Maldivian court, sacked a Civil Court […]
The MDP Condemns in the Strongest Terms the Arrest of Activists calling for Free and Fair Elections; Call on the Government to Release them Immediately and Unconditionally
The Maldivian Democratic party condemns the unjust and unfair arrest of this party’s activists, from Aa. Ukulhas. Abdulla Saeedh, Fikuree Haneef, Saudhullah Ibrahim, Abdul Wahidh, […]
The MDP expresses sadness about President Trump’s ban on refugees and singling out of Muslim nations; urges President Trump to reconsider
The Maldivian Democratic Party is alarmed about President Trump’s executive order temporarily banning nationals from certain countries. While it is the imperative of sovereign nations […]
MDP Welcomes UNWGAD Opinion On Col. Rtd. Mohamed Nazim and Calls for his Immediate Release
The MDP Welcomes the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’s Opinion on Former Defense Minister Colonel (Rtd) Mohamed Nazim; Reiterates Call for his Immediate Release […]
London 10 January 2017 – The Maldives United Opposition (MUO) has appointed Ms. Sifa Mohamed to the post of Deputy Leader. Ms. Sifa Mohamed is […]
Statement by the MDP on the Passing Away of Sir James Richard Mancham, Former President of Seychelles
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is deeply saddened by the passing away of His Excellency Sir James Richard Mancham, founding President of the Republic of […]
The MDP Expresses Concern over the Elections Commission’s Curtailing of Election Observation
The Maldivian Democratic Party expresses concern over the Elections Commissions efforts to curtail the party’s elections- observations efforts. The MDP believes the Elections Commission’s process […]
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