
MDP Condemns PPM for Distributing Fake American Diplomatic Cable
6 September 2018, MALE: The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns President Yameen and his ruling party for deliberately distributing a made-up diplomatic cable purportedly from the […]
The MDP Condemns in the Strongest Terms Ruling Party’s Calls to Decapitate President Mohamed Nasheed
26 August, Male: A leading activist of the ruling party, and close ally of the First Lady has called for the decapitation of former President […]
Joint Opposition Press Statement- Elections Commission Handed Opposition Re-Registration Forms to Ruling Party, Audio Recordings Suggest
23 August 2018, MALE: New audio recordings strongly suggest that the Elections Commission (EC) has been directly involved in voter fraud, in a stunning new […]
President’s Cronies at the Elections Commission on the Verge of Stealing Elections, Weeks Before Polling Day- Joint Opposition

14 August, 2018, MALE: The Joint Opposition – whose candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih ‘Ibu’ is competing with President Yameen in presidential elections on 23 September […]
MDP Youth Wing Statement on International Youth Day
The 2018 International youth day comes at a critical juncture for the Maldivian youth. The September elections offers a valuable opportunity for the youth to […]
MDP Concerned President Yameen Paving the Way to Cancel Presidential Elections
5 August 2018, MALE: The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is seriously concerned that President Yameen is laying the groundwork to cancel or postpone the […]
Acquittal of Suspects in Case of Disappeared Journalist, a Travesty of Justice – MDP
3 August 2018, MALE: The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) condemns the Criminal Court’s decision yesterday to acquit defendants accused of abducting journalist Ahmed Rilwan […]
Substantial Evidence of the Elections Commission, Yameen and First Lady’s Complicity in Voter Fraud- the Elections Commission Must be Reconstituted – Joint Opposition
31 July 2018. MALÉ: A recent video – in which First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim briefs President Yameen about how voter registration forms are diverted to […]
The MDP Welcomes EU Decision; Calls on President Yameen to Engage in Genuine Dialogue, Pave the Way for Free, Fair and Inclusive Elections
16 July, Male: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) welcomes the decision by the European Union today to adopt “a framework for targeted sanctions in the […]
MDP Calls Upon President Yameen to Allow Free and Fair Elections
15 July 2018, MALÉ The Maldivian Democratic Party notes with bemusement today’s statement from President Yameen’s administration proclaiming Attorney General, Anil Mohamed’s instructions to his […]
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