Statement condemning PPM/PNC threatening government jobs to influence Parliament elections

The ongoing Parliamentary election campaign has seen the ruling PPM/PNC coalition openly threaten that government jobs are conditional on support for their candidates. Candidates endorsed by the Government have blatantly and explicitly called for government backed Parliament members to have the power to appoint employees to State Owned Enterprises.

The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns these attempts at voter intimidation and blatant abuses of state power. We intend to report the recent remarks made at the PPM/PNC Hinnavaru candidate’s campaign event to the Elections Commission as a serious matter. The Minister of Fisheries & Ocean Resources was present at this event and has not condemned these comments.

The aforementioned incident is just one in a series of actions by President Dr Muizzu’s government aimed at creating an environment of intimidation and fear, pressuring citizens to vote for state-backed candidates.

As noted by the anti-corruption NGO Transparency Maldives, state resources continue to be misused at an alarming scale for the PPM/PNC campaign.

Maldivians fought hard for the right to vote in free and fair elections, absent of state intimidation. The Maldivian Democratic Party calls on the government to cease their threats and respect the fundamental rights of the constitution. The MDP calls upon the Elections Commission to investigate these incidents and take appropriate action.