Statement from MDP calling on the government to take appropriate action against senior officials that made derogatory remarks

Diplomacy and mutual respect towards other nations have always been the core tenets of Maldivian Foreign Policy. Regardless of political beliefs, every Maldivian government has upheld these values, as any civilized nation would.

The actions by senior government officials yesterday were not isolated incidents but the result of a hate-mongering campaign by PPM/PNC’s leadership. It resulted from an organized misinformation campaign and a culture of hatred cultivated by PPM/PNC for their political gain.

The lack of diplomatic values and professionalism and the sheer incompetence of senior government officials have damaged our international standing irrevocably.

MDP finds the government’s lack of consideration towards the interests of our people extremely irresponsible and utterly unacceptable. This party believes the government’s statement distancing themselves from these officials is half-hearted and disingenuous.

The MDP would like to remind the government that their actions have consequences that could negatively affect the lives of our beloved people.

We call upon the government to take appropriate action and immediately remove these officials from senior government positions.