The MDP Welcomes EU Decision; Calls on President Yameen to Engage in Genuine Dialogue, Pave the Way for Free, Fair and Inclusive Elections

16 July, Male: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) welcomes the decision by the European Union today to adopt “a framework for targeted sanctions in the Maldives, making it possible, if the situation does not improve, to impose a travel ban and asset freeze on relevant individuals and entities.”

The EU further states that individuals likely to be sanctioned include
“persons and entities responsible for undermining the rule of law or
obstructing an inclusive political solution in the Maldives as well as
persons and entities responsible for serious human rights violations.”

The MDP supports the EU’s call on the Government of Maldives to “engage with the leaders of the opposition in a genuine dialogue that paves the way for credible, transparent and inclusive Presidential elections.”

As such, the MDP reiterates its call for:
1. Immediate dialogue between the Government and the Opposition.
2. Dialogue must be internationally mediated, time-bound, and with
clear targets.
3. Dialogue must pave the way for genuinely credible, fair, transparent
and inclusive elections.

In order for the elections to be genuinely free and fair, the Government must:

● free all political prisoners;
● allow all parties to contest with a candidate of their choosing;
● allow the parliament and the judiciary to function in accordance
with the Constitution;
● restore all Constitutionally guaranteed rights;
● reconstitute the Elections Commission so it is independent and free from political manipulation.

The MDP sincerely hopes President Yameen uses the remaining window of opportunity to remedy the situation.

The MDP notes that the EU will be keenly watching the Elections Commission’s 9th August 2018 announcement on the list of candidates eligible to contest the
presidential elections.

The MDP pledges to play a full and responsible role in any dialogue, and will engage in talks via a representative of the party’s choosing.