MDP Calls on the Government of Maldives to Abide by the UN Human Rights Commission Decision.

Maldivian Democratic Party welcomes the decision by the UN Human Rights Committee demanding the government of Maldives to restore President Mohamed Nasheed’s right to stand for Office.

The UN HRC deliberated on the complaint filed by President Mohamed Nasheed and reiterated concerns raised by President Nasheed’s lawyers, international NGOs and foreign governments regarding the rushed and deeply flawed terrorism trial against him in 2015 sentencing him to 13 years in jail.

The Committee concluded that the trial violated his right to a free and fair trial under international and Maldivian laws. Furthermore, the Committee concluded that the Maldives has an obligation to restore President Nasheed’s civil and political rights.

Having ratified the ICCPR in 2005, the Maldives is bound by the Constitution and international commitments to abide by the decisions of the UN Human Rights Committee. The MDP calls on Maldivian authorities to accept the findings of the UNHRC and ensure President Nasheed’s political rights are restored accordingly.

Noting the response by the Maldives’ Government that the final decision on President Nasheed’s right to stand for office shall be taken by the Supreme Court, the MDP calls on all state institutions to abide by the Supreme Court ruling ordering the release of President Mohamed Nasheed and other political prisoners. In the 1 February ruling, the apex court’s full bench ruled that the trial against President Nasheed was politically motivated and violated the Constitution and international human rights treaties ratified by the Maldives.

The MDP calls on UN member states, especially India to impress upon the government of Maldives on its international obligations and ensure free and fair elections are held in the Maldives this year. The MDP believes continued violations by the Maldives will ultimately manifest into irreversible changes in the Maldives and will be detrimental to Indian Ocean security.