MDP Updates Commonwealth Secretariat on Continued Human Rights Violations in Maldives

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) shared its deep concerns over the deteriorating political situation in the Maldives, during a meeting on Sunday with the Commonwealth Deputy Secretary General Dr. Josephine Ojiambo.

In the meeting, the MDP expressed its concerns over the Maldives government’s intensified anti-democratic behavior and lack of commitment to the political reforms demanded during the review by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group in February.

The MDP reiterated its stance that – in accordance with the wishes of the international community – the party would not sit down in talks with the Government until political leaders, who have been illegally and unjustly jailed, such as President Nasheed, are unconditionally released.

The MDP, in principle, welcomes political dialogue. However, the Government has categorically failed to create an environment conducive to meaningful dialogue by: its refusal to release political prisoners; stepping up on attacks on the media; and failing to give space for civil society or the political opposition.

During the meeting, the MDP also presented the Commonwealth Secretariat with a comprehensive document detailing the continued violations and abuses of power by President Yameen on issues highlighted by the CMAG in February.

The MDP extends its sincere gratitude to the Commonwealth for its continued engagement in the Maldives.