MDP Welcomes Statements On Disallowance of Military Facilities In The Maldives

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) welcomes the conciliatory statements made by Vice President Ahmed Adheeb on use of land owned by foreign parties in the Maldives following the Constitutional amendment over land law. The MDP notes the statements made by the Vice President on disallowance of military or non commercial logistical facilities in the Maldives in interviews to The Hindu and local media.

The MDP is comforted by recent statements made by the Vice President stating interest on land ownership by foreigners has been over commercial projects and not over Chinese owned commercial and military facilities. Furthermore, MDP notes the comments made by the Vice President on not giving land for Chinese companies and authorities for development of commercial and military facilities. Commenting on the issue Hamid Abdul Ghafoor said: “our concerns and unease on land sale rested on possible Chinese land grab in the Maldives. We would like to see the Vice President’s remarks reflected in government policy.”

Initial concerns raised by the MDP on the land amendment over perceived development of foreign military facilities and its operations would seriously affect the Indian Ocean peace and security.

The MDP further calls upon the government of Maldives to ensure transparency, in the approval and execution of projects under the Constitutional amendment. Such projects must be fully transparent to the people of the Maldives and our development partners in the international community. The MDP strongly believes projects must be approved based on its benefit to national development and future development of the Maldives and that land will not be used to develop logistical support facilities with dual military and commercial use.