MDP Will Continue to Demonstrate at the Airport and in Resorts; Calls for Immediate Release of Women Arrest at the Airport Today

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) will continue to organize peaceful demonstrations at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA) and in resorts if trumped up terrorism charges against President Nasheed are not dropped and if he is not released.

The MDP calls for the immediate release of all the women who were arrested at the airport on Thursday afternoon while atpeaceful demonstration, demanding the release of the former president Mohamed Nasheed, who has been wrongfully detained and prosecuted by the government of President Yameen.

Women peacefully called for the release of President Nasheed at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport on Thursday afternoon. They held ‘Free President Nasheed’ posters and marched around the arrival hall at the airport. 14 women, including the President of Deputy Mayor of Male’ City, MDP Women’s Wing, Vice President of the MDP Women’s Wing and one man were detained by the Special Operations Police at the airport jetty when they were on their way to leave the airport.

Large demonstrations and rallies take place everyday, calling on the government to bring an end to the prosecution of president Nasheed. Similarly international actors have expressed their concern on the ongoing trial and detention of President Nasheed and reiterated their calls for a free and fair trial.

The MDP notes with concern that the government, instead of taking into consideration public interest and listening to its citizens, continue to detain persons, especially women, who are calling to bring to an end to the politically motivated prosecution of president Nasheed. The MDP calls on the government to immediately release all political detainees and calls on the international community to remain vigilant of the situation in the Maldives.

Hamid Abdul Ghafoor
MDP Spokesperson International