Greetings and Felicitations on Sri Lanka’s 67th Independence Day


The Maldivian Democratic Party extends to the people of Sri Lanka, President Maithiripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe greetings and felicitations on the occasion of Sri Lanka’s 67th Independence Day.

It is indeed symbolic of existing strong bonds between our countries that Maldivians have always followed positive developments in Sri Lanka and that our progresses in foreign and political affairs have always reflected developments in Sri Lanka.

The Maldivian Democratic Party joins our cousins in Sri Lanka in reflection that this Independence Day holds much significance, as it reflects a history of great sacrifices made by many Sri Lankans in the attainment of its freedom.

At this colorful moment of national pride, patriotism and dignity for the Sri Lankan people, the Maldivian Democratic Party renews its pledges to work closely with all Sri Lankan institutions to strengthen cooperation in multiple sectors. We also renew our confidence that our relationship throughout history of friendship and cooperation based on shared linguistic, religious and cultural traditions shall prosper in the coming years.