The MDP National Executive Committee at its 166th meeting today passed the following resolution clarifying the party’s position on the GMR issue


The MDP National Executive Committee at its 166th meeting today passed the following resolution clarifying the party’s position on the GMR issue

“Whereas it is an explicitly known fact that the assignment of Male International Airport to GMR Infrastructure by the MDP Government for its development and management was undertaken under embedded legal convention and according to international best practices;

It is also known that the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) of the Maldives, having examined for elements of corruption in the transaction, found none. To this end the ACC report stated the base figures used for the financial evaluation of the awarded party were sound; that the calculated gross revenue figures used to reach the awarded concession fee for the winning party was administered to all potential bidders to calculate the net present value of each bidder and that these values were taken from IFC calculations against the potential development of Maldives tourism and aviation sector;

Given also the fact that the said report found that when it was decided that the airport would be privatised, having calculated the revenues received in 2008-2010, had the airport been assigned to MACL for its running, the Maldives Government would earn 254 million US dollars in 25 years, in contrast to assigning it to GMR consortium in which case the Maldives Government was predicted to earn 534 million US dollars in the same 25 years period.

For these reasons the MDP Government, having found that the best advantage for the Government of Maldives would be to privatise the airport, it was assigned to GMR with the benefit and wellbeing of Maldivian people in mind; where it was impliedly and manifestly known that the matter was undertaken not for political gain but rather for the public good;
Notwithstanding this, those in the opposition at that time not only distorted the facts completely to the people; but the consecutive coup government that followed unscrupulously annulled the Airport Agreement. MDP is adamant to the fact that their position did not consider the wellbeing of the nation and its people. This is manifest by statements made by President Yameen regarding the matter.

The MDP immediately calls on the Government of Maldives that instead of repealing the annulled agreement in order to award it to another party, to render it to its original benefactor. The failure to conduct this repeal would allow Maldives to suffer unforeseeable risk and irrevocable harm.

And therefore, having considered the aforementioned reasons, this party on this day hereby resolves that any government formed by this party shall annul all corrupt agreements made by this government regarding the airport and render it back to whom it is rightfully due.

“Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due” Quran (4:58)”