MDP Condemns the Security Services’ Obstruction of MP Ali Azim from the People’s Majlis

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) strongly condemns the Maldivian National Defense Force (MNDF) and the Maldives Police Service’s (MPS) forceful obstruction and arrest of MDP MP for Medhu Henveyru Ali Azim from the entering the People’s Majlis today.

Following the overthrow of the Maldives’ elected Government by the security services in February 2012, today’s deliberate obstruction by the security services of a Member of Parliament from the People’s Majlis is a further demonstration of the unconstitutionality of this current administration.

While Article 4 (a) of the Majlis Act states that the buildings, corridors, entryways, and premises of the People’s Majlis fall under the authority of the Speaker of Parliament, today’s obstruction by the security services of a MP from the entering the Parliament, without the explicit instructions of the Speaker of Parliament, is a violation of all accepted norms.

The MDP expresses strong concern over the security of MP Ali Azim, who remains under custody of a Police service that has unconstitutionally obstructed an election. MDP notes that MP Ali Azim was brutalized by the Police during his previous detention and suffered further maltreatment today when Police arrested him from the Parliament. MDP highlights that the Police service’s own medical personnel also recommended that MP Ali Azim seek further medical treatment after he was brought under their custody today.

MDP again condemns the actions of parties who lost in a free and fair election against officials who have been elected by the people. The MDP further condemns the assault of MPs, and the violation by the security services of the authority and sanctity of the People’s Majlis.

MDP calls upon the Prosecutor General and other relevant bodies to investigate the unconstitutional acts of the security services. MDP also calls upon the Speaker of Parliament to do all he can to assure the security of elected MPs.

Hamid Abdul Ghafoor