MDP Expresses Grave Concerns on CoNI Process

Reference No: 101/08/2012
27 August 2012

MDP Expresses Grave Concerns on CoNI Process

The Maldivian Democratic Party expresses grave concern regarding comments made yesterday by Mr. Ahmed Saeed, President Mohamed Nasheed’s nominee on the Commission of National Inquiry (CoNI). Mr. Saeed publicly distanced himself from and criticized the draft report prepared by Hon. Judge (Retired) G P Selvam, the Singaporean Co-Chair appointed by the Government and endorsed by the Commonwealth

MDP notes that Mr. Saeed questioned Judge Selvam’s draft because of the significant gaps in evidence and statements pertaining to the events of 7 February 2012 which would indicate non-compliance with guidelines set forth by the Commonwealth. Furthermore, it is of greater concern that Judge Selvam’s report was drafted prior to the submission of evidentiary statements from key individuals: Former Commissioner of Police Ahmed Faseeh, Brigadier General (Retired) Ibrahim Didi (MNDF Male’ Area Commander on 7/2), Brigadier General Ahmed Nilaam and Col. Mohamed Ziyad. The MDP shares Mr. Saeed’s concerns as to how Judge Selvam’s draft could be complete when the Commission has not adhered to its Commonwealth Agreement derived mandate to look into bank statements and telephone records of principal characters involved in 7 February’s questionable transfer of power.

The MDP’s National Executive Committee has previously stated that it will accept the findings of an inquiry that adheres to the guidelines and agreement reached between Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik and the Commonwealth. MDP notes that the concerns raised by Mohamed Nasheed’s nominee to the Commission signal non-compliance with the rules and spirit of the inquiry commission set forth by the Commonweath Ministerial Action Group. The MDP hopes that the findings of the report will adhere to and comply with the agreement and mandate reached between the Commonwealth and Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik.

The MDP’s Spokesperson for International Affairs, Hamid Abdul Gafoor stated, “the MDP highlights the importance of producing a report that is a complete and impartial analysis of the evidence in order to ascertain the truth. It is vital for the Maldives that the final report has the trust and confidence of the entire population.”


Hamid Abdul Ghafoor
Spokesperson, International Affairs
Mobile: +9607778285
Tel: +9603340044