Press Statement from President Mohamed Nasheed

Office of President Mohamed Nasheed
G. Canaryge
Male’, Maldives

13 August 2012

Press Statement

It is with grave concern that I note that personnel of varying ranks from Maldives Police Service (MPS) and Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) are being dismissed when the Commission of National Inquiry (CoNI), constituted to inquire into the transfer of power on 7th February 2012, is due to conclude its inquiry by the 31st of August.

It saddens me to note that during the past 6 months, senior officers of these institutions have been unfairly dismissed and continuously intimidated. Just last week, Mohamed Hameed, Chief Superintendent of Police and Ibrahim Adnan, Superintendent of Police were dismissed, and Ibrahim Manik, Superintendent of Police demoted. In the same week, Deputy Commander of Medical Services of MNDF, Captain Dr. Fathimath Thahuseena was dismissed. On July 16th Brigadier General Ibrahim Didi, who had been in military service for 32 years, resigned. Chief of Defense Force, Major General Moosa Ali Jaleel and Vice Chief of Defense Force, Farhath Shaheer resigned from MNDF on February.

Clarity on the transfer of power and the way forward can only be determined after the CoNI concludes its work. Until such time, I request the security forces to refrain from dismissals, give promotions, demote or intimidate officers of rank in any way. I also request officers not to resign until the Commission’s work is complete.


Mohamed Nasheed