PRESS STATEMENT BY T.E.A.M: T.E.A.M. condemns Villa Hotels decision to dismiss employees not attending rallies in support of the coup

T.E.A.M. condemns Villa Hotels decision to dismiss employees not attending rallies in support of the coup


The Tourism Association of Maldives (TEAM) has received many complaints from its members employed at Paradise Island Resort, owned by Villa Hotels, claiming Villa Hotel is intimidating TEAM members employed at Paradise Island Resort by threatening dismissal

if they do not attend rallies organized to show support for the Waheed regime. This police and military backed regime financed by tourist resort owners depose His Excellency President Mohamed Nasheed on 7th February 2012.

TEAM condemns the decision to intimidate employees and urges Villa Hotels to respect the rights of its employees.

Former President of TEAM, Hon. Ahmed Easa, a Member of Parliament (MP)said ‘’Gasim Ibrahim, the owner of Villa Hotels should stop treating his employees as slaves. He may have financed the coup and taken his portion by appointing his stooge as Tourism Minister. Gasim being a Member of Parliament should be aware of the protections offered to employees by law and should abide by them.’’