PRESS STATEMENT: MDP Welcomes EU Statement

Reference No: 16/02/2012
22 February 2012

MDP Welcomes EU Statement


The Maldives Democratic Party has taken note of the latest statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, and warmly welcomes the conclusions and sentiments contained therein.

The MDP fully concurs with the EU’s three main conclusions, namely:

1. Immediate dialogue between responsible political parties possessing a democratic mandate (i.e. having seats in the Majlis or local councils) to agree on the date and conditions for free and fair elections, and to determine the constitutional and legislative measures required to make this happen.

2.That the legality and legitimacy of the transfer of presidential power in the Maldives be determined by the already-announced independent impartial investigation, and that the make-up and mandate of the investigation to be agreeable to all responsible political parties – meaning that it must include some international experts and deliver accountability for all human rights violations.

3.That in the meantime, all parties, including the MDP, must refrain from violence, inflammatory rhetoric and provocative actions in order to secure the future of democracy; and that the police and army must exercise maximum restraint in the exercise of their mandate and remain within the boundaries set by the Constitution.

The MDP, for its part, pledges to play a full and responsible role in ensuring the fulfillment of steps 1, 2 and 3 above; in order to protect democracy and human rights for all Maldivians.


Hamid Abdul Ghafoor
Spokesperson, International Affairs

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