MDP PRESS RELEASE: MDP Welcomes DRP’s Commitment for Early Elections

Reference No: 10/02/2012

17 February 2012


MDP Welcomes DRP’s Commitment for Early Elections

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) welcomes DRP’s commitment for an early Presidential election and hopes to sit down with relevant parties as soon as possible to set a date for early elections.

MDP calls on Dr.Waheed’s regime to immediately release all those arbitrarily detained from 7th February onwards, following widespread protests across the country after unlawful overthrow of the first democratically elected President of the Maldives. This would ensure a period of calm and further create an environment for discussions with the relevant parties.

MDP also calls on its activists and activists from all other relevant parties to remain calm and to give space to pursue political aims through dialogue and peaceful activity.

Maldivian Democratic Party once again thanks H.E. Mr. Ranjan Mathai, India’s Foreign Secretary for visiting the Maldives at this very critical juncture and appreciates the best efforts of H.E Mr. Mathai to find a solution to the ongoing political crisis in the Maldives.


Hamid Abdul Ghafoor
Spokesperson, International Affairs

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Tel: +9603340044