
Brief overview of the Maldives’ Political Situation 26 March 2015
click the link to open the document Political Situation Brief by the MDP 26 March 2015
Brief on Maldives Government Using Parliament to Pass Draconian Measures, Violating Democratic Rights 31 March 2015
Yesterday, the ruling Party – Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) – used its Parliamentary majority to pass a draconian measure to remove President Mohamed […]
The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns in the strongest terms the sentencing of Former Defence Minister, Colonel (Rtd) Nazim to 11 years in jail for weapons smuggling by the Criminal Court.
In an investigation and trial rigged with irregularities, Colonel (Rtd) Nazim was sentenced on the basis that he was not able to disprove the charges […]
The Maldivian Democratic Party strongly condemns the arrest of MP Ahmed Mahloof and 8 other individuals from a peaceful protest.
The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) strongly condemns the arrest of MP Ahmed Mahloof and 8 other individuals from a peaceful protest against brutality on Wednesday […]
Maldives Criminal Court Blocks President Nasheed’s Appeal
President Nasheed’s legal team has stated that the Maldives Criminal Court has effectively blocked the former President’s constitutionally mandated right to an appeal. The deadline […]
President Nasheed Denied a Practical Opportunity to Lodge an Appeal
President Mohamed Nasheed has been denied a practical opportunity to lodge an appeal at the High Court and therefore decided the appeal could not be […]
Nasheed’s Lawyers Raise Concerns over Right to Appeal Being Undermined
President Nasheed’s constitutionally-guaranteed right to an appeal is being systematically undermined by the Maldivian courts, Nasheed’s legal team have said. In the latest legal twist, […]
Statement by the Legal Team on Appeal at the High Court (Translation)
President Nasheed will appeal the verdict delivered by Criminal Court on 13 March 2015, sentencing him for 13 years imprisonment on the charge of terrorism. […]
Criminal Court Gives Nasheed’s Lawyers Just Two Days to Lodge Appeal
President Nasheed’s legal team have complained that the Criminal Court has given them a mere two days to lodge an appeal against his conviction for […]
Criminal Court Conspires to Prevent Nasheed’s Conviction Appeal
The Criminal Court in the Maldives is deliberately refusing to release its court proceedings to former President Nasheed’s legal team, in order to frustrate their […]
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