MDP Extends Congratulations to the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May

The Maldivian Democratic Party extends warm congratulations to the United Kingdom’s new Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party, Honourable Theresa May.

Prime Minister May has dedicated a long career to public service, and the MDP looks forward to the continuation of this service.

The United Kingdom has been a staunch ally of the Maldivian people’s road to democratic reform. The United Kingdom’s and the Maldives’ shared history is further strengthened by the ongoing close relationship.

The MDP would also like to extend its gratitude for the Conservative Party for its invaluable friendship and assistance to this party. The MDP is appreciative of the party- to- party knowledge shared, which has been instrumental in building this party’s internal structures, and especially in maintaining our internal democracy. We look forward to continued engagement between the two sister parties.

The MDP is confident that the United Kingdom’s significant contributions for the development of Maldives will continue to grow in the coming years, and looks forward to continued engagement on issues of mutual interest for all our people, as close members of the Commonwealth family.

The MDP would also like to thank Honourable David Cameron for his service and dedication to the people of the United Kingdom, and also to us in times of great need. We would like to wish the former Prime Minister all our best wishes for his future endeavours.