The Maldivian Democratic Party strongly condemns the violent assault on Prosecutor General, Hussain Shameem.

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem was attacked on Wednesday morning in Male’. The MDP condemns in the strongest terms this violent assault on the Prosecutor General.

This violent incident is the latest in a recent increase in attacks on elected and appointed officials of the state. It coincides with the first two months of President Muizzu’s administration, where there has been a noticeable lapse in the security and safety that must be accorded to constitutionally appointed and elected office bearers.

The current administration came in to power after a prolonged period where violent crime had been held to an effectively low level under the previous Government. The MDP remains concerned about the serious allegations of President Muizzu’s Government’s connections to violent criminal networks and calls upon the Government to afford office bearers appropriate security, and find and hold the perpetrators of today’s attack accountable.

MDP Spokesperson Anas Abdul Sattar stated, “the attack on the Prosecutor General in broad daylight on the streets of Male’ is deeply worrying. This is the latest incident illustrating this Government’s inability to maintain safety and rule of law. Instead of picking unnecessary domestic and international fights, we urge the Government to take more seriously their obligation to provide adequate safety and security to officials and citizens of the Maldives. We hope for the PG’s quick recovery and hope the perpetrators are found swiftly and held to account.’