Maldivian Democratic Party Welcomes Remarks by the Japanese Foreign Minister

7 January 2018, Male’: The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) extends its warmest wishes to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Hon. Tarō Kōno. The MDP welcomes the statement made by the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s deputy spokesperson following the Minister’s one-day visit to the Maldives.

Minister Tarō Kōno.expressed Japan’s commitment to further collaboration between the two countries, in areas including maritime security, climate change, tourism, sports, and trade.

As Japan and the Maldives mark over half a century of diplomatic relations, the MDP takes special note of Japan’s support in fostering democracy and the rule of law in the Maldives. The party is confident of the Japanese Government’s continued commitment to reform and democratisation in the Maldives.

At this moment in time, the Maldivian people are in particular need of friendship and guidance from Japan, a robust democracy, as we struggle to re-establish multiparty politics in our country. This year, the MDP is hopeful of Japan’s support in ensuring a free, fair and inclusive presidential election, where political parties are free to field candidates of their choice.

MDP is encouraged by Minister Tarō Kōno’s statement regarding Prime Minister Shizo Abe’s initiative on free and open Indo-Pacific relations. The Maldives is key to ensuring stability in the Indian Ocean region. Indian Ocean stability is more important than ever but the MDP notes with concern President Yameen’s continued foreign policy manoeuvers, which risk alienating traditional allies and eroding security in our neighbourhood. In this regard, democratic powers such as Japan can play an important role in fostering maritime security and stability in the region.