The MDP condemns the consistent and renewed intimidation of the Maldives Election Commission by the Supreme Court


The MDP condemns the consistent and renewed intimidation of the Maldives Election Commission by the Supreme Court
12 February 2014

Today’s arbitrary summons of the Election Commission by the Supreme Court over an allegation of contempt of court effectively turned into a trial where the Supreme Court was both the plaintiff and the judge. Operating outside of established judicial principles, the Supreme Court used its authority to file a case against the Elections Commission without any form of due process.

With respect to this Supreme Court’s history of arbitrarily interfering in the country’s election process, the MDP find the Supreme Court’s latest actions highly alarming. In conjunction with the perpetuation of the Supreme Court’s Guidelines on Election Regulation, the MDP believes these actions are a deliberate attempt by the Supreme Court to further subvert the authority of the independent Elections Commission in the run up the Parliamentary elections due next month.

The MDP call upon the Supreme Court to cease their campaign of intimidation against the Election Commission and to respect the rule of law.