MDP Condemns Arrest of Party’s Youth Wing President

The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns in the strongest terms the ongoing arrests of peaceful protesters, who have been using their constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and expression to call for early elections, in order to resolve the Maldives’ current political crisis brought about as a result of the Police and Army mutiny which forcefully overthrew the country’s first democratically elected government on 7 February 2012.

The MDP notes with serious concern the excessive force used by Police in their arrests of peaceful protesters and questions the highly targeted arrest of the MDP Youth Wing’s President, Aminath Shauna, detained from the protest site this evening.

Shauna completed her International Baccaluarate diploma at the Lester B. Pearson United World College of the Pacific, Canada and went onto graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Economics and Environmental Science from the University of Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri in 2008. She then worked as a journalist at Minivan News, before joining President Nasheed’s administration in November 2008, where she worked as an Under Secretary in the Policy Office till February of this year, when she was dismissed from her post by Dr. Waheed, following the coup d’etat on 7 February. Since 2009, Shauna had been a key focal point for the Maldives’ Climate Change and Energy issues, including participating in UNFCCC sessions in Copenhagen and Cancun. Shauna was elected as the President of the MDP’s Youth Wing in 2011.

Shauna has since accompanied President Nasheed on his recent international visits including participating in high level meetings in the United States, and India. Shauna is believed to be an important target for the regime for her vocal, active opposition towards them, especially in matters relating towards police brutality. As such, the MDP questions the grounds for her arrest and remain concerned about her and others’ treatment under Police custody.

The MDP’s Spokesperson for International Affairs, Hamid Abdul Gafoor stated, ‘Shauna and many others arrested today represent the types of individuals in society which the present regime would most love to suppress – youthful, energetic, hopeful Maldivians who refuse to give up on the reality of a democratic Maldives governed by an elected leadership.’

Please find below a link to the video of Shauna’s arrest.


MDP Youth Wing