Joint Opposition Thanks International Community For Their Support of Maldivian Democracy; Calls on Their Assistance Moving Forward

27 September 2018, MALE
: The Joint Opposition, whose candidates won Sunday’s presidential election, would like to take this opportunity to thank the international community for its support of Maldivian democracy and the Maldivian people.

We very much appreciate the statements our international partners have made, welcoming the election result and showing their support for the democratic process in the Maldives.

The Joint Opposition is pleased that Sunday’s election proceeded smoothly, that the Elections Commission has announced the provisional final results, and that President Yameen has conceded defeat. We look forward to the Elections Commission announcing their final results as soon as possible.

The results of the election are indisputable. For the peace, stability and prosperity of our country, it is imperative that the transfer of power is smooth. We look forward to the swearing in of President-elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Vice President-elect Faisal Naseem on 17 November.

In Sunday’s election, Maldivians voted overwhelmingly for change. As the President-elect mentioned in his victory speech, the new government will focus on consolidating democracy in the Maldives, by guaranteeing human rights and ensuring accountability.

A running theme of the opposition’s election campaign was concern over corruption and human rights abuses, and the extent to which the Maldives’ institutions of state have been undermined and politicised.

If the Maldives is to have a chance of establishing a genuine, lasting democracy, committed to the rule of law and the Constitution, then many of our institutions require significant support and reform, so that they may enjoy the confidence of the Maldivian people.

In this regard, we look towards our friends and partners in the international community to assist us, as we move forward in trying to create a Maldives in which all citizens can enjoy peace, prosperity and justice.