The Maldivian Democratic Party calls upon the Maldives Prosecutor General and the government of President Yaameen Abdul Gayoom to immediately release President Mohamed Nasheed.

MDP leader and former President of the Republic Mohamed Nasheed was arrested today at 1500Hrs by the Police citing a warrant from Maldives Criminal Court. The warrant states that charges of terrorism had been brought against President Mohamed Nasheed. Stating the previously unheard of terrorism charges the warrant further stated that his arrest was warranted upon concerns of him absconding from Court and that he may go into hiding.

The Maldivian Democratic Party notes that President Mohamed Nasheed had never absconded from Court, nor have taken the opportunity to flee or go into hiding, during numerous opportunities he had in the past few weeks to travel abroad, and that he had expressly informed the judiciary and Prosecutor General that he does not have any intention to abscond from Court or avoid charges being brought against him.

Previous charges lodged at Hulhu Male’ Court against President Nasheed in June 2012 for the alleged unlawful arrest in January 2012 of Judge Abdulla Mohamed, who sits at Criminal Court as Chief Judge, were retracted by the Prosecutor General on 16 February 2015, stating a need for further review of the case.

Judge Abdullah Mohamed purportedly took leave of absence today and the Court was taken charge by Judge Abdulla Didi, hours before the warrant on previously unheard of terrorism charges was issued.

The Maldivian Democratic Party condemns in the strongest terms the brutality presently being inflicted on protesters with tear gas, peppers spray and assaults amongst gatherings of unarmed supporters of Presidnet Mohamed Nasheed.

Warrants have also been issued for the arrest of other senior members of the Maldivian Democratic Party, including the Party’s spokesperson for International Affairs Hamid Abdul Ghafoor.

President Mohamed Nasheed’d arrest had led to hundreds of his supporters taking to the streets to protest this unabashedly high-handed action by the Prosecutor General and Police, allegedly directed by the regime of President Yaameen Abdul Gayoom. The Maldivian Democratic Party fears that these actions by the regime may further escalate the existing volatile climate in Maldives and lead to uncontrollable scenes of unrest and confrontations on the streets.

The Maldivian Democratic Party appeals to all well-wishers to prevail over the Maldives government to immediately cease and desist from these acts of brutality being inflicted against large sections of the Maldivian people and members of the Maldivian Democratic Party. The Maldivian Democratic Party also calls on all well-wishers to urgently call upon the Maldivian authorities for the immediate release of President Mohamed Nasheed.