MDP condemns new arrest warrant issued against President Nasheed

MDP condemns new arrest warrant issued against President Nasheed

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has condemned the latest arrest warrant issued against President Nasheed, calling it politically motivated.

According to local media, the Hulhumale Magistrates Court issued the latest warrant on Sunday 17 February, giving the police permission to arrest President Nasheed and forcibly bring him to a court session scheduled for 4pm on Wednesday 20 February.

The MDP believes that the Hulhumale Magistrates Court is, de facto, controlled by Dr Waheed and his allies.

The MDP believes that the sole purpose of the court case against President Nasheed is to prevent his candidature in the upcoming presidential elections.

Commenting on the new arrest warrant, MDP spokesperson Hamid Abdul Ghafoor said:

“Waheed, in collusion with allies in the judiciary, has established a kangaroo court to convict President Nasheed. The Judicial Services Commission that set up the court comprises Waheed’s appointees as well as Nasheed’s political rivals, including those running for president. Waheed hides behind so-called judicial independence but his fingerprints are all over this trial.

“India, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, and the Commonwealth have all called for free and fair elections in which all candidates are freely permitted to stand. Waheed is defying the world by continuing his political persecution of President Nasheed.”