MDP Concerned Waheed Regime Destabilising Maldives Ahead of Commission of National Inquiry Report

Reference No: 100/08/2012
17 August 2012

MDP Concerned Waheed Regime Destabilising Maldives Ahead of Commission of National Inquiry Report

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) expresses grave concern over recent actions by Dr. Waheed’s regime, which have seen senior members of the MDP, including Members of Parliament prosecuted for seemingly politically motivated charges. The MDP believes this is a deliberate attempt by the regime to destabilise the country ahead of the Commission of National Inquiry report into February’s transfer of power, which is due to be published on 30 August.

The regime is pressing charges against MPs for Male’: Hamid Abdul Ghafoor – for obstructing police duty, MP Ibrahim Rasheed for obstructing police duty, assaulting police officers, threatening and creating unrest and MP, Imthiyaz Fahmy, for allegedly assaulting a police officer. Terrorism charges are also being pressed against Mohamed Rasheed, MP for Addu City and the Ahmed Mirzad, an elected Addu city councillor. Terrorism charges against these two individuals are being levied under allegations that they incited violence and arson attacks on public buildings and police stations on 8 February 2012 in Addu City. Furthermore, last month the Prosecutor General lodged a case at the criminal court against MP for Thoddu constituency and Deputy Leader of MDP’s Parliamentary Group, Ali Waheed, The charges against him are also for obstructing Police duty. All the MPs have denied the charges. The MDP believes all of the charges to be politically motivated.

Aside from politically motivated legal action, senior members of Dr. Waheed’s regime, including Home Minister Mohamed Jameel, have publicly stated that the regime will arrest President Nasheed and ensure he spends the rest of his life in jail. These statements have been made despite the fact that a trial has not taken place, and while the Minister himself has stated that the ‘judiciary seems to be operating in wanton… and needs to increase public confidence’

The MDP also notes the targeting of ordinary Party, in an apparent witchunt by the regime of those who question the regime’s illegitimate authority and questionable transfer of power on 7 February. 40 inidividuals from Addu are being prosecuted by the regime for terrorism, after unrest broke out in Addu on 8 February, following the coup d’etat the day before, which led to President Nasheed’s resignation.

While politically motivated prosecutions continue, the MDP notes with dismay that no action has been taken against security forces who mutinied and used excessive force on peaceful protesters, although these concerns have been highlighted by international organsations and international media agencies.

The UNHRC recently stated that torture in the Maldives was systemic and systematic and called on for urgent investigations and compensation for the victims. UNHRC also expressed grave concerns on the state of Maldivian judiciary.

“At a time when the people of the Maldives and the international community are also questioning the legitimacy and the impartiality of the government and the courts, it is concerning the governemtn is continuing to press politically motivated charges against pro democracy activists” said Hamid Abdul Ghafoor, MDP’s spokesperson for international affairs.

“We are committed to dialogue. We do not want anything to happen that would disrupt the talks. We urge the regime to refrain from anything that will provoke and incite violence ahead of the report” Ghafoor added.


Hamid Abdul Ghafoor
Deputy Chairperson
Mobile: +9607771327
Tel: +9603340044